Tips for creating your personal training program

Are you tired of personal training programs that do not fit your schedule or your sports performance? It’s time to establish a sports program that fits perfectly with your expectations and your availability! And we can help you! In this article, let’s learn the tailor-made sports plan together.

Starting a training program: where to start?

Before embarking on a training program, it is important to set clear and precise goals and know your limits.

Determine your goals

The practice of a sport necessarily supposes that you have an objective in mind. In fact, like any other practice, it is important to know exactly what is expected of a personal training, otherwise all the physical effort would be in vain. This is just as important for motivation as it is for monitoring your progress. Here, we mainly focus on the goal you have set for yourself. This can be a specific body mass, above or below your current weight, or simply an improvement in your athletic performance. Your objective establishes the first track to follow for the development of your program.

know your limits

One of the biggest mistakes when starting a training program is trying too hard or not doing enough: don’t be too ambitious or too lazy. Knowing your limits and performance is essential in determining the right training program for you. It is obvious that for a beginner we will resort to a program for learning physical exercises and exploring our physical abilities, while for those who are regulars in the sport, we will be directly on a personalized calendar.

Tips for an effective training program

To be successful in establishing an effective training program, two keywords are at the rendezvous: duration and frequency. But other factors, such as training location, can also affect performance.

Will you administer the calendar

With the ups and downs of daily life, practicing even 1 hour of sport a day is complicated for many people. Sometimes too tired, sometimes too busy, athletes struggle to practice their program correctly. Precisely for this reason it is necessary to establish a precise calendar. The sport must be practiced punctually and repeatedly, and this is even more important for beginners to ensure that their body adapts quickly.

Determine the frequency of exercise

You must set the frequency of your training according to your availability. This frequency takes into account several factors, including your schedule, your goals, and your athletic performance level. For example, if you are free only twice a week, with the aim of losing fat mass, the ideal is to do exercises that mobilize all the muscles of the body. In fact, with such little time, it would be better to promote the general work.

On the other hand, if you have the opportunity to train 3-4 times a week, a specific training would be perfect. Precise work on specific parts of the body. The most important thing for this type of frequency is to rest because the body really needs to recover the energy expended.

Choose a suitable working time

After determining the frequency of your exercises, choosing a good duration of work is essential. It is recommended to start between 20 to 30 minutes of training at least if you are quite busy and do not know how long to take. With this duration, the workouts will be intensive, with limited rest time. And for the freer, nothing better than a training course focused on strengthening muscles and working on resistance.

Choose a suitable training place

You can exercise anywhere: in a park, at home or in a gym. In fact, there is no rule about the places where you can play sports or not. On the other hand, the place influences the exercise possibilities and the devices that can be used. If you exercise in a park or outdoors, the exercises to be performed will be adapted to this place, while in a gym or at home it will be different.

The basic exercises for a good training program

The determination of the exercises comes last because it is the very stress of the personal training program, but also because it depends on all the other parameters mentioned above. To save time researching the exercises that are best for you, zoom in on the main types of training.

Muscle development

This type of exercise set is for those who want to gain muscle mass by opting for isolation exercises. Training includes bodyweight exercises like squats or pushups, and core exercises like the side plank.

Endurance work

This type of training is based on running or jumping rope. It is a training that is more for athletes or preparations for sporting events.

The work of force

Highly recommended for weight loss, this workout is made up of 3 basic functional exercises including: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. They are recommended as exercises that work the whole body.

In summary

It is important to specify that the sports program must always be accompanied by an adequate diet. So you would need a fairly high calorie intake if you want to regain muscle mass, and conversely a limited intake if you want to lose fat mass. The basis of sports nutrition is a healthy, balanced and diversified diet.

To make it easy to follow your program, also set up a notebook that reports your program in parallel with your diet, and the results and progress during the program. This monitoring will allow you to analyze the effectiveness or not of training and your diet, and the adaptations to be made in the event of inefficiency or change.

Discover our goal packs to optimize your personal training

To help you achieve your goals, we have created several packages depending on the goal you want to achieve: Muscle, Lean, Mass, Loss, Fitness, Beauty.

Discover all our packs for your personal training: here